Saturday, January 25, 2025

New members appointed to NT Heritage Council

Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage Chansey Paech has announced the appointment of seven new members to the Northern Territory’s 11-member Heritage Council.

The Heritage Council was established in 2012 to provide advice to the Northern Territory Government on matters affecting the Territory’s cultural and natural heritage.

“The Heritage Council has an important role in advising the Northern Territory Government on matters relating to our natural and cultural heritage,” said Minister Paech.

“Our new Heritage Council is well balanced and members are ready to hit the ground running at the first meeting, scheduled to be held next month.”

Operating under the Heritage Act 2011 (the Act), the Council plays a role in preserving and promoting the Territory’s history. It assesses the significance of places and objects nominated to the Northern Territory Heritage Register, makes decisions about proposed work to heritage places or objects, and provides recommendations to the Minister about whether or not places or objects should be heritage listed.

The Act sets out the membership of the Council, which consists of a total of eleven members. Ten members are appointed by the Minister, and one member is the nominee of the Chief Executive of Territory Families, Housing and Communities.

Four of the appointed members are representatives from organisations. In each case, the Minister appoints a person nominated by the relevant organisation. The Minister has appointed:

  • Ms Grace Foulds to represent the National Trust of Australia (Northern Territory);
  • Mr Robert Pocock to represent the Aboriginal Areas Protection Authority;
  • Mr Damien Ryan to represent the Local Government Association of the NT (LGANT), with LGANT being the organisation chosen by the Minister to represent the interests of local government in accordance with the Act;
  • Ms Seraphine Bray to represent the Aboriginal Peak Organisations of the NT (APONT), with APONT being the organisation chosen by the Minister to represent the interests of land owners in accordance with the Act.

The Minister also appoints six persons with expertise or experience relevant to the administration of the Act, to make up the balance of the 10 appointed members.

Following an expression of interest process, those members are:

  • Mr Allan McGill AM
  • Mr Stephen Ashford
  • Ms Katy Moir
  • The Hon Tom Pauling AO QC
  • Ms Rachel Perkins
  • Mr Randle Walker

Dr Ilka Schacht has been selected by the Chief Executive of Territory Families, Housing and Communities as his representative on the Council. Dr Schacht served on the previous Heritage Council for three years.

Mr Allan McGill has been re-appointed by the Minister as the Chairperson of the Council, having served as the Chairperson of the previous Council from May to October 2020. Mr McGill has over 40 years’ experience as a CEO or in senior management positions and has held or continues to hold many committee and board positions.  

The Council meets a minimum of four times a year. The newly appointed members will serve for three years from their date of appointment.

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