Saturday, February 15, 2025

New Cookbundoon amenities block reaches lock-up

Work on Goulburn Mulwaree Council’s new Cookbundoon amenities building is reaching lock-up stage, with the roof due to be completed this week.

Council says the project will provide improved change rooms, bathrooms and general facilities for soccer players in the region, with a strong focus on female amenities.

$572,884 was allocated to the project through the Federal Government Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program, with Council also contributing $500,000. 

Local company ARW Multigroup were the successful tenderer for the project and are undertaking the build.

“It’s fantastic to see so much progress out at the Cookbundoon Sporting Grounds, considering it was only late July last year that we were able to obtain this funding” said Mayor Bob Kirk.

“Soccer is one of, if not the biggest, participation sports in our region, and this facility will provide vastly improved change rooms, bathrooms and canteen for the sport in Goulburn.”

Federal Member for Hume, Angus Taylor said it was terrific to see the project nearing completion.

“The LRCI Program was all about getting projects underway that would support jobs and local businesses as soon as possible to strengthen our economy,” Mr Taylor said.

“I’m looking forward to getting out to Cookbundoon to see local sporting groups making use of the brand new facilities.”

Design of the canteen has been finalised after a meeting with the STFA, and work will commence soon on fit out of the entire building once lock-up is achieved. At this stage the project is still on track for completion by the end of the financial year.

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