The Burdekin Shire Youth Council is gearing up for an eventful year ahead with the newly elected 2024 executive team now in place.
Eddie Jones has been elected Youth Mayor, alongside Laney Lando as Deputy Youth Mayor, and Matilda Wiseman as Secretary.
The new executive, along with a dedicated team of 20 young individuals from various Burdekin High Schools and working youth, are eager to get involved in the community and have their voices heard, Burdekin Shire Council shared in a statement.
Mr Jones brings six years of experience as a member of the Burdekin Shire Youth Council, having been an integral part of the Youth Council’s monthly meetings and numerous community initiatives. He was also awarded the 2024 Young Citizen of the Year Award at the Australia Day Awards held earlier this month.
“He actively participates in community events and initiatives and is a great role model for youth within the community,” Council said.
Deputy Mayor, Laney Lando – a Year 12 student at Burdekin Christian College – is known for her passion for theatre, frequenting markets and playing touch football.
“Her love for the community shines through her work, now entering her second year with the Youth Council.”
Matilda Wiseman, also in Year 12 at Burdekin Christian College, enjoys reading and pottery.
“Having lived in various Australian states and towns, she’s called Burdekin home for nearly two years. Her active participation extends beyond the Youth Council to volunteering with Lions Clubs across Australia and engaging in Parkrun events.”
The Council said the Burdekin Shire Youth Council plays a pivotal role in providing a voice for young people from all high schools and townships in the Burdekin, and often guides Council’s decision-making around matters related to youth.