Tuesday, December 3, 2024

MidCoast apprenticeships on offer

MidCoast Council has put out a call for applicants for its successful apprenticeship and traineeship program.

The Council says there are some exciting career opportunities for apprentices, graduates and trainees on offer across a range of employment fields.

Council General Manager, Adrian Panuccio says the apprentices, trainees and graduates program is part of Council’s investment in local people and the region.

“We have grown this program from 1.3% of our workforce to 5.5% in the last three years.  During that time more than 40 apprentices and trainees have completed their qualifications,” he said.

“A career in local government is a rewarding way of working for your local community and we are proud to be able to offer these opportunities in our region.”

A full list of available positions can be found on Council’s website.

As an equal opportunity employer committed to attracting and retaining quality staff, MidCoast Council encourages people of all ages, genders, backgrounds and levels of experience to apply.

The roles on offer are equally relevant to people finishing school or deciding on a career choice, to those of a more mature age looking for a career change.

If you’re interested in working for Council while you develop your skills and gain a qualification make sure you apply before the closing dates.

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