Saturday, January 25, 2025

Mayor slams State Govt flood response

State Government delays in establishing a streamlined approval process to repair riverbanks damaged by March floods is leading to hardship among affected residents and unauthorised works being carried out, Hawkesbury City Mayor, Patrick Conolly, warned today.

The Mayor said the March floods caused significant damage to riverbanks, affecting hundreds of properties along the Hawkesbury River and hundreds more again in the neighbouring Hills Shire.

The damage has led to unstable riverbanks close to homes and rural buildings, putting them at risk of further damage and making them vulnerable to future flood events, he said.

“A lot of promises were made by state authorities during and immediately after the March 2021 floods, but five months on and it seems like we are no longer a high priority,” Mayor Conolly said.

“Until this streamlined approval process is put in place, all of the normal requirements for the application and assessment of development applications for riverbank repairs still apply, and in some cases this will require land owners spending tens of thousands of dollars on reports, and waiting for a full assessment by Councils.”

Scenes during the March flooding of the Hawkesbury region.

He said that in the aftermath of the floods, the State Government undertook substantial studies of the damage to the riverbanks to assist in the creation of a streamlined design and approval process for landowners to undertake necessary repairs on their properties.

The State Government has also budgeted $18 million to employ case managers across affected NSW LGAs to help speed up the application process and assist in the recovery and restoration, but this has also not yet taken place, the Mayor said.

He said the delays were unfair on residents and were putting properties, livelihoods and lives at risk.

“Council feels this is fundamentally unfair and not what we were led to believe would eventuate. Residents along the river have already suffered enough and shouldn’t be left in limbo facing further financial hardship while the state government dithers.”

Street signs are seen semi-submerged under rising floodwaters along the Hawkesbury River on March 24.

“Delays and the associated costs have resulted in unapproved works being carried out by landowners at various locations, putting the health of the river at risk. There are also concerns that the works are not being carried out according to best-practice design principles and may be at risk from failure – occasioning further property damage.

“Council is calling on the State Government to hurry up and deliver what has been promised to these long-suffering residents, and I will be seeking a meeting with NSW Deputy Premier John Barilaro to draw attention to the matter.”

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