Saturday, February 15, 2025

LGSA social media archive service announced

The Local Government Association of South Australia has selected a company to archive all registered council and elected members’ social media activity, with the state’s councils now invited to opt in to the record management solution.

“After a comprehensive tendering process undertaken in 2020, the LGA selected the company that demonstrated the best overall value for money and has been selected as the preferred provider for SA councils,” the LGASA said in a statement online.

“Councils are invited to opt into this solution to ensure they comply with legislative requirements for records management.”

It said the solution records and generates a backup archive of all registered council and elected members’ social media activity.

“Even if some content is taken down or deleted, you can rest assured that your social media archive has a complete record of it all.”

“Social media data can even be archived retroactively, all the way to the origin of the account.”

Compliance obligations, transparency and best practice in records management:

There are compliance obligations under two Acts of Parliament pertaining to the record keeping for councils. An ‘official record’ is defined as a record made or received by the council in the conduct of its business. Compliance with this requirement is legislated and therefore councils need to ensure they are recording all digital communication so that they can respond to potential compliance audits or public information requests, which therefore protects them against any potential legal action.

What is considered a social media account?

Social Media Account means any social media accounts (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc) that are controlled or purported to be controlled or registered by or on or behalf of the Company or Parent, as applicable, and its subsidiaries (including social media accounts of elected members).

Is there a limit for which social media accounts a council should record?

Councils can choose as many social media accounts they wish to record under the Pagefreezer solution (e.g. Facebook account for the council, the library, swimming pool etc, as well as for their elected members’ social media accounts, and all other Twitter and Instagram accounts).

How do you find out more about this service?

Please download the EOI form on our website, where you will find more details of cost and benefits to your council.

Contact Sarah Ryan for more information via email:

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