Local Government Association of Tasmania (LGAT) President, Mick Tucker, joined Minister for Local Government, Kerry Vincent, late last week for the release of the Government’s response to the Future of Local Government Review.
Minister Vincent said the Government wants councils to be in the best possible position to support the future wellbeing, sustainability, and prosperity of all Tasmanians.
“We want to work alongside the local government sector in achieving this goal,” Minister Vincent said.
“The Government has carefully considered the Review’s Final Report and has accepted – either in full, in part, or in principle – 36 of the Review’s 37 recommendations.
“To ensure we deliver enduring benefits to the sector, the Government has developed the Local Government Priority Reform Program. It consolidates the most critical recommendations of the Review and will be delivered over the next two years.”
The Minister said the Priority Reform Program goes beyond the Review and is informed by extensive consultation with the sector and stakeholders to ensure it focuses on the most pressing needs of councils and their communities.
“Our position of no forced amalgamations remains, however, as part of the Priority Reform Program, we will support councils who wish to explore voluntary amalgamations,” said Minister Vincent.
“Where councils are willing and able to prepare and submit robust amalgamation proposals that demonstrate tangible benefits to their respective communities, we will work with them to progress structural reforms.
“I would like to thank the Local Government Board for delivering a bold, well considered package of reforms that will shape the future of local government in Tasmania, and to all 29 councils, their communities and key stakeholders for having their say during this process.”
President Tucker said that the Government’s priority reforms were welcomed by the sector.
“Tasmanian councils have invested considerable time and effort in informing this review and it is pleasing to see that the Government has listened to our sector on what the first tranche of reforms should involve,” he said.
“We look forward to working closely with the new Minister to ensure the reforms are implemented in a timely and effective way.”
The Tasmanian Government’s Future of Local Government Review response, and the Priority Reform Program, can be found here.
The State Government’s response and Priority Reform Program can be found here.