Ku-ring-gai Council has welcomed up to $1.37 million in Australian Government funding to investigate and commence works to improve tree canopy and reduce creek bank erosion in Flying Fox Reserve in Gordon.
The funding was provided by the Urban Rivers and Catchments Program, which forms part of the National Heritage Trust.
The Council says the project will help address the high levels of creek erosion along Stony Creek in Gordon, which is resulting in bank collapse, reduced water quality and loss of streamside vegetation.
These losses are affecting the canopy cover at the site, and adversely affecting the habitat and microclimate for the nationally significant Grey-headed Flying-fox.
Ku-ring-gai Flying Fox Reserve in Gordon is home to an important camp of Grey-headed Flying-foxes, which are considered threatened under national environmental law.
Mayor, Christine Kay said the funding was recognition of the importance of Flying Fox Reserve to Ku-ring-gai’s natural environment.
“The project also demonstrates our commitment to protecting biodiversity and the ecological health of our waterways for future generations,” Mayor Kay said.
Over the next few months, using the Australian Government funding, the Council will undertake a feasibility study which will investigate the cause of and outline options to address the bank erosion.
This study will include an analysis of options to remediate the collapsing banks, provide ongoing protection of the reserve’s microclimate and enhance habitat essential to the Flying-fox colony’s long-term health.
Council will also be engaging with technical experts and other local stakeholders throughout the project, to help guide the feasibility study.
Subject to the findings of the study and all required approvals, Council expects to commence works stabilising the creek banks and revegetating the reserve with local native plant species later this year.
It is hoped that up to 240 metres of creek bank will be stabilised, to be further scoped in the feasibility study.
The works will also improve water quality in Stony Creek and Middle Harbour by preventing reducing sediment run-off.