Friday, February 14, 2025

Kempsey bores into flood risk study


Kempsey Shire Council has announced the start of an important local project to study the groundwater, stormwater, and flood risk in Stuarts Point.

Council says the first stage of the project will involve the installation of groundwater bores in various locations within the road reserve around Stuarts Point.

The groundwater bores will provide valuable data to Council, helping to gain a better understanding of the complex groundwater situation in Stuarts Point.

Counci lsays the locations for the groundwater bores have been carefully selected to provide cross-sectional data over Stuarts Point, which will be used for modelling purposes. This data will be crucial in developing long-term solutions to address issues related to groundwater in the area, it said.

By working together, the Council and community can develop effective solutions to ensure a safer and more sustainable future for Stuarts Point, Council said in a statement today.

In January, Council won funding for the $300,000 project from the NSW Government.

“Groundwater levels in Stuarts Point rise quickly and fall slowly and Council is constantly monitoring these levels, particularly during periods of wet weather,” said Mayor, Leo Hauville.

“This funding is a welcome assistance in understanding and working to devise a plan to reduce future flooding risk in the area.”

NSW Minister, Steph Cooke said the project would help to put in place the physical equipment and plans needed to make the community safer and stronger. 

“The monitoring bore will mitigate existing and future flooding risks in the local area, while the development of a groundwater study, stormwater study and flood risk management plan will help guide future decision-making,” she said.

“I want to thank Kempsey Shire Council for working with us to reduce the risks faced by Stuarts Point residents when future disasters strike. 

“We know that every mitigation project and strategy put in place now will ensure we are better prepared for future floods, storms and other emergencies.” 

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