Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Jeannette Young appointed Governor of Queensland

Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk has appointed Dr Jeannette Young (pictured) as Governor of Queensland.

The Premier said Dr Young’s service to the state was exemplary, having s”teered Queensland safely through the COVID-19 pandemic, the greatest peacetime emergency in a century”.

“Queenslanders have come to know Dr Young who has stood by my side during hundreds of COVID media conferences,” the Premier said.

“The people of this state know she stood by their side too and kept us safe.

“There is no-one more deserving of the title ‘Her Excellency’.”

Her Majesty the Queen has approved Dr Young’s appointment.

Dr Young will become Queensland’s 27th Governor. She will be sworn in on November 1.

The Premier paid tribute to Paul de Jersey who will continue in the role until November 1.

“His Excellency has a forged a path of inclusiveness, travelling widely across Queensland and welcoming many more into Government House both in the traditional sense and via his enthusiastic use of social media,” the Premier said.

“I will miss his warmth and wisdom and thank the Governor and Kaye for their service.”

Dr Young with continue in her role as Chief Health Officer until taking up her new role.

An external recruitment will be conducted for Queensland Chief Health Officer.

Dr Young thanked the people of Queensland for their courage and devotion in helping each other through the worst of the pandemic.

“You only have to ask Queenslanders for help and they give it immediately,” Dr Young said.

“I also want to thank the Premier for her leadership and support and this tremendous honour.”

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