Thursday, February 20, 2025

Historic vote for women in Whitehorse City

History was made last night as Victoria’s Whitehorse City Council elected women to the positions of both Mayor and Deputy Mayor for the first time.

Councillor Tina Liu was elected Mayor and Councillor Denise Massoud was elected Deputy Mayor. Both are experienced councillors, having served on Council for five and nine years respectively. 

New Whitehorse Mayor, Tina Liu grew up in Box Hill and has spent most of her life in the area. She serves on the Whitehorse Business Group, the Eastern Alliance for Greenhouse Action (EAGA) Executive Committee and the Eastern Transport Coalition (Deputy Chair). She is also an honorary advisor to the Melbourne Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce.  

Deputy Mayor, Denise Massoud has served on Council for nine years. She is a Board Director and President for the Victorian Local Governance Association (VLGA), is Deputy Chair for the Eastern Affordable Housing Alliance and is on the Executive Committee as Metro Vice President for the Australian Local Government Women’s Association.

She is a member of the Whitehorse Disability Advisory Committee and also sits on the Whitehorse Reconciliation Advisory Committee, the Whitehorse Community Grants Panel, the Audit and Risk Committee for Council and the Metropolitan Local Government Waste Forum.

Outgoing Mayor, Andrew Munroe, and outgoing Deputy Mayor, Raylene Carr, were commended by Councillors on their excellent service throughout 2021.

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