Thursday, February 13, 2025

Helping hand to recover from Cyclone Seth

Additional disaster assistance is being provided to Bundaberg, North Burnett and South Burnett Regional Councils following the recent floods associated with ex-Tropical Cyclone Seth.

The assistance is being provided through the jointly funded Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA).

Minister for Emergency Management and National Recovery and Resilience, Bridget McKenzie said personal hardship assistance was being extended to the community of Dallarnil in North Burnett, which had been hit hard by the major flooding.

“The persistent heavy rainfall brought on by ex-Tropical Cyclone Seth from 7 to 10 January flooded the local Tawah Creek, inundating homes in the township,” Senator McKenzie said.

“This assistance means that eligible residents who have suffered the effects of ex-Tropical Cyclone Seth can now access grants of up to $180 per person, to a maximum of $900 for a family of five or more, as well as grants to safely reconnect essential services.

“Assistance is also being made available through the DRFA to help the Bundaberg, North Burnett and South Burnett local councils cover the cost of clean-up efforts and the repair of essential public infrastructure.

“The effects of this event are still being realised but we will continue to work together with the Queensland Government to extend assistance wherever it is needed.”

Queensland Minister for Fire and Emergency Services, Mark Ryan said today’s announcement meant the local governments of Bundaberg, North Burnett and South Burnett can rest assured eligible costs associated with recovery from ex-Tropical Cyclone Seth will be covered.

“I am pleased to reassure these local councils that they will have help on their road to recovery from this flooding, in the form of Counter Disaster Operations assistance and funding for the Repair of Essential Public Assets,” Minister Ryan said.

“In addition, I am also pleased to extend personal hardship assistance to the hard-hit township of Dallarnil in North Burnett, who will not only access immediate support grants, but also up to $200 towards safety inspections for essential services and up to $4,200 towards repair work to enable these essential services such as electricity, gas, water and sewerage or septic system to be reconnected.

“The Australian and Queensland governments are continuing to work together to support ongoing recovery efforts in the region to ensure all communities hit by these floods have the best support available at this difficult time.”

Information on disaster assistance can be found on the Queensland Reconstruction Authority’s website at

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