Georges River Council in south-west Sydney has endorsed a Small Waste Items Recycling Station Program for the collection of CDs/DVDs, household batteries and mobile phones within the municipality.
The decision follows a six-month trial, which began in late 2020, of a recycling station for small waste items at the Georges River Customer Service Centre. The trial resulted in the collection of 125.2 kilograms of items, all processed for recycling and diverted from landfill.
“In line with our Waste Strategy 2021-2040, Council is committed to minimising the environmental impact of waste management and disposal, especially the recycling of hazardous waste,” said Georges River Council Mayor, Kevin Greene.
“Following the success of the trial, we are pleased to endorse a permanent recycling service to be made available to our community at Council facilities.”
Council says the expansion of the program will be delivered in two stages:
- Stage 1 involves the implementation of recycling stations at Hurstville Library and Clive James Library by 31st December 2021, pending Public Health Orders.
- Pending the success of Stage 1, Stage 2 may involve further expansion at other Council or community facilities such as Council’s early learning centres.
For more information on the Small Waste Items Recycling Station Program and a range of recycling options for CDs/DVDs, household batteries and mobile phones, visit Council’s A-Z Recycling Guide.