Thursday, February 20, 2025

Georges River budget reveals record capital works investment

Georges River Council has unanimously adopted its 2023/24 budget, which includes a $12 million capital works program for critical community infrastructure.

“Despite significant external pressures, we have delivered a modest budget surplus that recognises our obligations to be financially sustainable and also resources the priorities the community have identified for Council,” said Mayor, Nick Katris.

“Most importantly we haven’t reduced any services in delivering this budget, that is a continuation of the commitment we made to the community. The community told us that they wanted services maintained and operating efficiencies to be found and we continue to meet that promise.”

He said Council’s capital works program has been expanded in response to natural disasters early this year, which accelerated the deterioration of local roads and stormwater systems.

Over $12 million has been committed, which is approximately double the allocation adopted in previous years budgets.

“The community will see the largest investment in assets like roads, footpaths, stormwater and traffic management in the history of Georges River Council or the previous Hurstville or Kogarah Councils,” it said.

Council’s Capital Program will see the funding to complete projects already commenced including the Hurstville Oval Community Pavilion, Gannons Park Stormwater Harvesting and Treatment Final Works, Former Oatley Bowling Club Master Plan Delivery, Hurstville Revitalisation Program, and the Olds Park Recreational and Sporting Hardscape Precinct with its exciting modern skatepark.

New capital projects that will commence include the Renown Park Irrigation, Drainage and Field Upgrade, Olds Park Premium Sporting Facility Design, Todd Park Sporting Centre of Excellence Design, Merv Lynch Reserve Play Space Upgrade, Kyle Bay Foreshore Reconstruction, Carss Bush Park Play Space Upgrade, and the Lugarno Passive Watercraft Launching Facility Design. Many of these projects include significant external funding from the State or Federal Government, Council said.

Funding has also been committed to undertake the next stage of planning for the third aquatic facility in Georges River at Carss Park.

To look at local solutions to the national affordable housing crisis, Council has committed $50,000 to begin the process for piloting an Affordable Housing Contributions Scheme.

To support the community’s prioritisation of our green spaces there will be additional/continued funding of $20,000 for the Significant Tree Register, $20,000 for Tree Canopy Coverage Mapping, funding to support Grow it Local implementation, and new Wildlife Protection Area signage to be installed.

There is also a commitment to undertake traffic studies for parts of the community where concerns have been raised, along with upgrades for valued public places like parks and open spaces, libraries, early learning centres and community centres.

View the Delivery Program and Resourcing Strategy on Council’s website.

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