Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Garbage truck fires spark waste warning

City of Canterbury Bankstown Council is urging residents to recycle right and not put dangerous items in the bin, following four garbage truck fires in a month.

The Council says one of the incidents occurred when a large lithium battery was thrown into a recycling bin at a Lakemba apartment block.

Dramatic footage captured of the blaze shows the truck’s load catching fire before being driven for a nerve-racking seven minutes to a safe dumping location. Fire and Rescue NSW were called to the scene to extinguish the flames.

In another incident, a fire was sparked inside a garbage truck when a metal container full of flammable liquid was thrown in the red bin. The driver was able to quickly dump the load, where the chemical container was found still smouldering.

Just days earlier, a gas cylinder that was thrown in the red bin exploded in another garbage truck. Staff heard the bang and were able to dump the smouldering load before it caught on fire.

Mayor, Bilal El-Hayek, urged all residents to think twice about what they are putting in the bin.

“Throwing batteries and other harmful chemicals in the bin will only fuel the next emergency, putting our community and drivers at risk,” Mayor El-Hayek said.

“We’re lucky that our drivers were able to escape from these recent incidents unharmed, but I don’t want to see anyone hurt.

“Our drivers are here to serve the community and, like everyone else, they deserve to go home to their families safely.”

Council is distributing flyers to the streets where they believe the incidents may have originated, to educate community members on safe chemical and electrical disposal including Council’s regular cleanout events.

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