Sunday, February 16, 2025

Fraser Coast residents given green light for nature strip planting

Fraser Coast residents have been given the green light to beautify their nature strips with plantings in front of their properties.

Fraser Coast Regional Council Acting Executive Manager of Open Space and Environment Marshall Nutall said this was a great opportunity for residents to beautify streets and increase the livability of our region while helping the environment.

“Well-designed and maintained nature strips can contribute to property values and liveability. They also help to keep our suburbs cooler in hot weather and allow water to get into the soil rather than run off into waterways,” he said.

Council has developed self-assessable guidelines that will allow residents to design their nature strips subject to them meeting certain criteria.

“There is a checklist available to make sure proposed nature strips comply with Council criteria. You must submit that checklist to Council before work begins,” Mr Nuttall said.

“This new self-assessment process will streamline the existing process, reduce wait time for residents and reduce the processing time for Council staff.

“Residents still need to keep public safety in mind as there still needs to be space for bin collection and existing trees cannot be disturbed.

“Once you have planned out your nature strip, it’s a good idea to then discuss it with your neighbours before handing in the completed checklist to Council.

The nature strip’s garden maintenance and ongoing compliance with Council guidelines is also the occupier’s responsibility.

“Residents will need to take care of watering, mulching, fertilizing, pest management and pruning the new plants,” Mr Nuttall said.

“Council is committed to improving the livability of our region and creating connected, inclusive communities and spaces through initiatives like these new nature strip guidelines.”

The guidelines for nature strip planting and checklist are available at

Advice on choosing and growing native plants is also available in the Fraser Coast Greening Guide on the Council website.

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