Sunday, January 26, 2025

Federal Govt gets on board Corangamite boardwalk project

Works to upgrade an important link in Victoria’s Port Campbell walking network are set to get underway soon.

Corangamite Shire Council says a $95,000 project to replace the boardwalk linking Hennessy Street to the town centre via Morris Street is expected to take between six to eight weeks.

The existing timber boardwalk will be replaced with a fibre reinforced polymer (plastic) structure.

Corangamite Shire Civil Engineer, Gisele Couto said recycled plastic was the material of choice for boardwalks, particularly in harsh environments.

“It is a modern day material that is safer, stronger, durable and low maintenance,” Ms Couto said.

“It won’t become slippery or age like timber does and the new boardwalk will be the same size as the existing footprint.

“We also want to lead by example by using sustainable, recycled products instead of raw materials.

The project received $95,000 from the Federal Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program.

Coastal Ward Councillor, Jamie Vogels said the boardwalk was part of a well tread path linking the recreation reserve to the town centre.

“It has always been a popular route for residents to access the skate park and playground, but it is also set to become busier,” Cr Vogels said.

“The rec reserve campground fills up over summer and school holidays, and the town is expanding that way with The Arches residential development.

“This new boardwalk combined with the new footpath along Hennessy Street will make it easier and safer to access the town centre.”

He thanked the Federal Government for contributing to the project.

“It is a valuable investment for smaller projects that mean a lot to local communities,” he said.

Member for Wannon, Dan Tehan said he was delighted that works would be undertaken to improve part of Port Campbell’s walking network.

“This project is significant as it provides not only an essential route between community assets but also provides an important option for supporting both physical and mental health for all community members, without the need for any special equipment,” said Mr Tehan.

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