The release of residential land in Echuca West has moved one step closer with a planning amendment now on exhibition, Campaspe Shire Council has announced.
Campaspe Shire Mayor, Chrissy Weller said, once finalised, the amendment would unlock “critically-needed” residential land in Echuca West.
“The amendment will provide the next 40 years of residential land supply, enabling the development of 5,000 new dwellings and a new community of 14,000 residents,” Mayor Weller said.
“It rezones approximately 615 hectares of land in Echuca West, bounded by Stratton Road to the west, Murray Valley Highway to the north, Northern Highway to the east, and Echuca West School Road to the south,” she said.
“The outcome will see the area rezoned to the Urban Growth Zone, allowing for future residential development.”
The amendment has been delayed for a number of years, and in May this year Council wrote to the Minister for Planning expressing concern with the delays, highlighting the urgency to get the amendment on exhibition.
As part of amendment, documents on exhibition include:
- Echuca West Structure Plan – describing how the land will be developed and location of services;
- Echuca West Development Contributions Plan – outlining developer contributions required to support development of the precinct;
- Native Vegetation Precinct Plan – providing a precinct wide response to the retention and removal of native vegetation.
To assist the community in understanding the amendment, two community drop-in sessions are planned at the Echuca Library:
- Tuesday, 3 August between 5pm to 7pm
- Thursday, 12 August between 5pm to 7pm
The amendment documents, as well as an amendment summary sheet, are available to view on Council’s website, or in hard copy at the Echuca Office. Submissions close on Thursday, 26 August.