Sunday, January 26, 2025

Echuca West planning amendment approved

The release of much-needed residential land in Echuca West is a step closer with Campaspe Shire Council last night adopting a planning amendment and approving submission to the Victorian Minister for Planning.

Mayor, Chrissy Weller said the amendment has been five years in the making. It rezones, for residential development, approximately 615 hectares of land in Echuca West, bounded by Stratton Road to the west, Murray Valley Highway to the north, Northern Highway to the east, and Echuca West School Road to the south.

“This is exciting news for residents and the development sector with the release of new residential land highly awaited,” Mayor Weller said.

“The precinct will provide the next 40 years of residential land supply, enabling the development of 5,000 new dwellings and a new community of 14,000 residents.”

The amendment incorporates a number of documents which will guide the future development of the precinct, including a high-level Precinct Structure Plan showing the location of the major infrastructure items including drainage, open space and traffic movement. It also incorporates an existing local convenience centre, schools and community facilities, the Mayor said.

The amendment was released for public exhibition in July and August this year. Two information sessions were held to assist the community in understanding its aims and outcomes. Staff also kept the landowners updated through the amendment process.

“We received nine submissions from the exhibition process, from residents, authorities and land developers,” the Mayor added.

“Our staff have worked actively with the submitters to resolve the submissions, rather than proceed through to a lengthy and costly planning panel process.”

“As a result a number of minor changes were made to the Precinct Structure Plan to address issues raised.”

“Once the Minister approves the planning amendment, it is expected that developers will be ready to go and lodge applications for subdivision of the land.”

More information and background documents about the amendment are available here.

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