Thursday, February 20, 2025

Dementia-first recognition for NT library

City of Palmerston Library has been formally recognised as a dementia-friendly organisation in what is a first for any Northern Territory library.

The recognition followed a recent dementia-environmental walkthrough which included a person living with dementia and a dementia advocate, covering both the indoor and outdoor spaces of the library. 

Library areas including seating spaces, walkways, furniture, facilities, lighting and background noise levels were meticulously examined, with the environment ultimately being deemed suitable for individuals with dementia.

“We’re proud of what we have achieved already, and we look forward to continued progression in being dementia-friendly and providing a dementia-friendly environment,” said Mayor, Athina Pascoe-Bell.

“Visitors to our library are greeted by staff who are interested in learning how to support our community to become more friendly and inclusive of people living with dementia.

“We’re committed to making our library even more accepting of people directly impacted by dementia, through physical enhancements, ongoing staff training and the development of inclusive programs,” she said. 

Dementia Australia National Manager, Dementia-Friendly Communities, Belinda Curtis congratulated the Council on its efforts.

“City of Palmerston Library show an ongoing commitment to improving the lives of those with dementia who visit,” she said.

“The library is a calm, uncluttered, and friendly space to navigate.”  

To view City of Palmerston Library’s programs, e-resources and services, visit

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