Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Crows Nest missing link road found

A project to upgrade a key regional Toowoomba road, often referred to as a missing link between Crows Nest and Blackbutt, has today been officially opened.

The Nukku Road Upgrade Project was a $6 million effort lead by Toowoomba Regional Council to upgrade the final unsealed 5.7 kilometre section of the road between Crows Nest and Blackbutt to a two-lane seal.

The project was supported by the Australian Government’s Roads to Recovery Program as well as the Queensland Government’s Transport Infrastructure Development Scheme (TIDS).

TRC Infrastructure Services Group Portfolio Chair, Councillor Carol Taylor said the completion of the project was a great win for residents and travellers in the northern part of the Toowoomba Region and southern part of the South Burnett Regional Council area.

“This has been a unique project in that the Nukku Road missing link has joined the TRC and SBRC Council areas finally with this last section now sealed,” she said.

“The project ensures there is now a fully-sealed road in a more direct alignment between Crows Nest and Blackbutt and was delivered in partnership between TRC, the Australian Government and the Queensland State Government.

“I’m delighted all three levels of government were able to come together to contribute to the project which has now reached practical completion.”

Cr Taylor thanked local residents for their patience as the project was completed as well as local Council crews who undertook the works.

“I particularly would like to acknowledge Foreman of Construction C&M North Raymond White who will retire from Council after 25 years of service at the completion of this final project of his career. The Nukku Road project is a great legacy project.”

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