Cessnock City Council says it is focussed on creating more jobs and opportunity for the Cessnock Local Government Area (LGA) with the release of its draft Greater Cessnock Jobs Strategy 2036.
The draft Strategy outlines economic development priorities and opportunities it hopes will maximise the potential and prosperity of the Cessnock LGA.
Cessnock City Mayor, Bob Pynsent said Council wanted to strengthen the city’s position as a desired place to live, visit and work.
“We want to harness every opportunity available to us. Growth and investments are critical to our ongoing prosperity, combined with the need to diversify our economic base,” Mayor Pynsent said.
“Council has revised its Investment Prospectus and developed a draft Economic Growth Agenda. We advocate for investment in our region and these documents are all part of showcasing the LGA.”
He said the strategy was focussed on promoting jobs growth, wage growth, greater education attainment and increased visitor expenditure in the LGA.
To view the draft Strategy visit Council’s Have your say section. All feedback must be received by Thursday 20 May.