Friday, February 7, 2025

Central Goldfields to write to PM seeking national solution

Central Goldfields Shire Council has announced it will write to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese to seek support and leadership to address key challenges facing regional Australian towns.

Citing the SBS documentary Meet the Neighbours as a catalyst, Cr Chris Meddows-Taylor moved a notice of motion at the December Council Meeting this week.

Cr Meddows-Taylor said the disparity between metropolitan and regional Australia was a significant issue.

“The purpose of the notice of motion is to build on the opportunity the documentary and the national spotlight it has created, to generate attention to the challenges of regional towns, including Maryborough,” he said.

“Meet the Neighbours has given us a platform to champion for change and advocate for a national conversation.”

Cr Meddows-Taylor said a lack of housing, under-investment in crucial services and infrastructure including public transport, telecommunications and digital connectivity were some of the challenges being faced for regional towns across Australia.

“We’re serious about doing what we can to seek solutions to these issues that will not only benefit Maryborough and our Shire but all regional towns.”

“We want the Prime Minister to raise the issue within National Cabinet which would enable a national conversation to commence.

“We want to see a comprehensive strategy between the Commonwealth and state governments in partnership with local councils to create a fairer and more equal Australia.”

The Council says the letter will also be sent to the Premier of Victoria and Members of Parliament representing the Shire at Commonwealth and State levels.

The letter is available to read here.(PDF, 854KB).

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