Cardinia Shire Council has announced it will not proceed with the current tender for Stage 1 of the Pakenham Revitalisation project.
In a statement, the Council said that following market feedback and suggestions outlined in the recent tender evaluation process, it has decided to postpone presenting the Stage 1 construction tender at the September 2024 Council Meeting.
Chief Executive Officer, Carol Jeffs said Council was still working towards delivering vital upgrades around Pakenham’s town centre over the next decade.
“Council remains committed to delivering all 12 stages of the Pakenham Revitalisation project, and we are looking forward to reimagining Pakenham as a place for all people,” said Ms Jeffs.
She said Council was unable to support the current tender for Stage 1 works, as the evaluation process identified significant complexities and risks that contributed to the project being over budget.
“While the upgrades to Pakenham’s Main Street are vital to revitalise the town centre, local businesses and economy, Council cannot recommend proceeding with the tender while over-budget and given the current financial climate.”

“The decision to not award the current tender at this time presents Council with an opportunity to pause and revisit the project and budget into the new year,” Ms Jeffs said.
Council’s decision to review the project is a proactive measure to manage these risks effectively and be prudent with ratepayers’ money and government investment, she said.
“We acknowledge that this decision may be disappointing, as significant work and consultation has gone into the development of the Pakenham Revitalisation project until this point. However, in light of the tender feedback, we want to ensure that moving forward we deliver the best upgrades possible for the community.”
“We appreciate when the community takes the opportunity to provide us with feedback and have their say to inform our decisions and projects, and we will strive to continue to keep the community involved and informed regarding all stages of the Pakenham Revitalisation project.”
Pakenham Revitalisation has been masterplanned as a long-term priority project, which aims to reimagine the future look and feel of the heart of Pakenham.
The project has been driven by the need to address rapid population growth, community feedback, consumer preferences and the development market.
Through the proposed upgrades, Council is aiming to improve accessibility, community safety, connectivity, boost the local economy and create an attractive environment that can host a range of events and activities.