Friday, January 24, 2025

Call for asbestos committee members

LGNSW is seeking applications from mayors and councillors to represent local government on the NSW Government’s Asbestos Coordination Committee (NACC).

The NACC meets quarterly and members will be expected to contribute effectively to the development and implementation of the whole-of-government strategy on asbestos management in NSW.

It is critical that the LGNSW representative has a strong understanding of conference-endorsed LGNSW policy relating to asbestos, and an appreciation of the asbestos issues facing the whole sector, including metropolitan and rural and regional councils.

Members are appointed by the EPA for two years.

For more information and to apply, please email Daniel Adler, Asbestos Policy Project Manager, or call 02 9242 4128.

Applications extended and will now close on 1 March 2021.

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