Work is set to begin shortly on a ninja warrior obstacle course at Home Hill’s Watson’s Green, following the area’s Master Plan being adopted by Burdekin Shire Council last month.
The Watson’s Green and Memorial Park Master Plan was finalised following community consultation in late 2020 and proposes a range of improvements to the parklands dependant on funding allocations.
Burdekin Shire Council Mayor Lyn McLaughlin said the ninja warrior obstacle course was a fantastic first step in the area’s upgrade.
“I want to thank the community for providing their input on the draft Watson’s Green and Memorial Park Master Plan, and I am excited that Council has now adopted the plan and is in a position to progress with projects as funding is allocated,” Cr McLaughlin said.
The ninja warrior obstacle course has been funded through the Queensland Government’s Works for Queensland program, with work expected to commence shortly.
Other items identified as potential future projects in the Master Plan include a basketball court upgrade, relocation and upgrade of the outdoor stage, removal of the former Choral Society building, development of a sensory nature trail, and development of additional play and picnic equipment.
“The ninja warrior obstacle course will include challenges for people of all ages and skill levels, and will be one of a few of its kind in North Queensland,” said Cr McLaughlin.