Saturday, February 15, 2025

Brimbank secures $103 million in advocacy outcomes

Brimbank City Council has advocated for more than $103.3 million in outcomes for local projects, programs and initiatives since 2020, which will help create jobs and support COVID-19 recovery.

Brimbank Mayor, Ranka Rasic said Council would continue to advocate on the issues that matter to the local community – including making the most of potential benefits from the $10 billion Melbourne Airport Rail Link via the Sunshine Priority Precinct.

“In the past year we have welcomed significant commitments from State and Federal governments to projects that will help Brimbank thrive, including investment in public transport, education, roads, parks, and the Sunshine Law Courts and Justice Precinct,” Mayor Rasic said.

“We must continue to work together to address priority issues for our community, support COVID-19 recovery, and make the most of opportunities available.

“This includes getting the best outcome for our community from the planned $10 billion Airport Rail Link via the Sunshine Priority Precinct, which now takes on even greater importance for Brimbank and our region’s economic recovery.

“Council continues to advocate to government around the need for an optimal design outcome that unlocks the investment, economic, and jobs potential across Brimbank.

“Our ambitious yet achievable proposal for this development would make the most of Sunshine CBD’s two railway stations – Sunshine and Albion – to maximise economic and social benefits across Brimbank as well as connections to the broader rail network.”

Throughout 2020 and into 2021, Council has advocated to improve job, education, and health and wellbeing, and environment outcomes for Brimbank, guided by its Transforming Brimbank 2020 Agenda.

Brimbank’s coronavirus response and recovery is guided by two key plans, its COVID-19 Response and Recovery Strategy and the Brimbank 19 Point Plan for COVID Response and Recovery. 

The Strategy shapes how Council is adapting its essential services to meet the needs of the community, while the 19 Point Plan provides government and non-government entities with a starting point to partner with Council on local community response and recovery.

“I am delighted that, guided by these plans, Council has successfully advocated for more than $103.3 million in positive outcomes for our community,” Mayor Rasic said.

“While this is a significant and welcome amount, our community will need even more in the lead up to the State and Federal Budgets, as our residents continue to respond, recover and rebuild from the ongoing and evolving COVID-19 pandemic.

“That’s why we will write to the State and Federal Treasurers, reaffirming our community’s ongoing need for investments around supporting health, wellbeing, socio-economic, job and local business support in response to COVID-19.

“As part of this, Council’s advocacy for investment to upgrade the Calder Freeway corridor, as outlined in the 19 Point Action Plan, will also continue. We’re seeking to maintain the momentum from the Federal Government’s $50 million commitment in the 2019 Federal Budget, by seeking even further funding from both the Federal and State governments for this vital infrastructure project for Brimbank and the growing west.”

Mayor Rasic said Council also aimed to work together with other local government areas to achieve common goals.

In June this year, Brimbank City Council will attend the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) National General Assembly, where Council will put forward four notices of motion calling for Federal Government investment in dedicated COVID-19 local community response packages, local jobs and skills partnerships, extending the JobKeeper and JobSeeker Programs for the rest of 2021, social and affordable housing, and climate change. 

Some of the major projects and initiatives funded in Brimbank since the start of 2020, consistent with the Transforming Brimbank 2020 Agenda and 19 Point Action Plan for COVID Response and Recovery, include:

  • Solidifying the $10 billion Melbourne Airport Rail Project via Sunshine (State and Federal governments)
  • More than $56 million to upgrade seven schools in Brimbank (State Government)
  • Over $40 million in support for local businesses impacted by COVID-19 Pandemic
  • $36 million towards local shovel ready road and transport projects (Federal and State Governments),  including $16.8 million to upgrade two intersection along Melton Highway, Sunshine Avenue and Old Calder Freeway (State Government)
  • $30 million towards the Western Rail Plan (Federal Government)
  • $25 million to redevelop the Sunshine Law Courts and Justice Precinct (State Government)
  • $8 million through Working for Victoria for Council to employ over 150 new workers
  • $7.6 million towards local shovel ready sport and recreation projects (Federal and State Government), including $4 million towards More Park redevelopment in Ardeer (State Government)
  • $2.9 million for local pocket parks and dog parks, including recent investments in Cary Street (Sunshine) and Leslie St (St Albans)(State Government)
  • Funding to upgrade Organ Pipes National Park and Brimbank Park (State Government)
  • Just under $1 million for local water and sustainability initiatives, including an additional $500,000 towards the Upper Stony Creek Project (State Government)
  • Funding for local community projects, programs and initiatives in response to COVID-19, including $350,000 towards a local COVID-19 Multicultural Taskforce-Brimbank response (State Government).

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