Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Ballarat council to consider runway extension

A report to be considered by the City of Ballarat Council this month will recommend the commencement of works to extend Ballarat Airport’s north south runway. 

The report to the 23 June ordinary meeting will also recommend a commercially focused board be appointed to oversee the management of the Airport, with Council retaining ownership of the facility.  

In 2020 the City of Ballarat received $5 million from the Australian Government’s Regional Airports Program, which Council had previously committed to matching with $5 million.  

The report will recommend Council make a formal commitment to using the combined funding to lengthen the Airport’s north-south runway.  

City of Ballarat Chief Executive Officer, Evan King said the north south runway extension and the proposed new governance model were important steps for the future of the Airport. 

“The position articulated in the report is that these two changes will lay the foundations to attract further investment in the Airport and create more revenue and jobs at this critical facility for the city and the region.”  

“The board would be made up of expert aviation professionals who would be tasked with exploring further commercial growth for the Airport.” 

“An extended north south runway will help to link the Airport more directly to the Ballarat West Employment Zone and further commercial opportunities,” Mr King said.

The report’s recommendations are in line with the Ballarat Airport Masterplan 2013-2033. 

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