Saturday, January 25, 2025

Ballarat $4 million sports centre tender awarded

City of Ballarat Council last week voted to award a tender for the construction of stage two of the Ballarat Sports and Events Centre to Ballarat firm H Troon Pty Ltd for close to $4million.

Stage two works will include the development of three 3×3 basketball courts, a learning centre, regional strength and conditioning centre and façade upgrade. 

The competition standard 3×3 courts will be the first of their kind in Ballarat.  

The development will enable local, regional and interstate competition, and elite training in a growing segment of the sport at Ballarat’s premier basketball facility. 

The Ballarat Sports Events Centre is one of the largest sporting facilities in the region. 

The stage one redevelopment of the centre was opened in 2019.  

The stage two works are fully funded by the Victorian Government and will be opened in early 2022.  

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