In a first of its kind for Australia, Lockyer Valley residents will now have access to detailed and timely flood advice at their fingertips.
Developed over several years with the assistance of specialised consultants and with thanks to funding support from the Queensland Government through the Innovation and Improvement Fund, Lockyer Valley Regional Council has officially launched its new Flood Information Portal to the community.
Lockyer Valley Portfolio Councillor for Planning and Development, Rick Vela said the Flood Information Portal was an exciting initiative the region was proud to be pioneering.
“The Flood Information Portal is an interactive tool which provides a level of detail and confidence never seen before and is an exciting development in Council’s suite of flood intelligence information,” Cr Vela said.
“This service allows Council to consolidate the flood information we have used in the past into a sleek, automated online system – with reports generated online for free, in just minutes.”
The enhanced system provides data on specific locations within a lot, which is ideal for larger rural and rural residential properties where flood constraints can vary widely within a lot.
“We’re proud to be pioneering an innovative new system that provides up-to-date and detailed flood information on properties in the Lockyer Valley subject to flood overlay and gives residents the clarity and information they need to confidently make property related decisions,” Cr Vela said.
“Landowners and developers will be better able to understand flood constraints, and this will improve the quality and appropriateness of development proposals.”
The new Flood Information Portal, which residents can access via computer, provides point-specific data on flood levels and quickly produces a report highlighting the engineering parameters like depth, velocity, and hazard of the water at those locations.
“The way in which local rain events are modelled and translated into flood data is a complex process with many nuances, and we’re confident the processing and ground truthing of the data has resulted in an accurate and reliable resource for our community,” Cr Vela said.
“This is just another tool needed to reduce people’s vulnerability and maximise their safety in natural disasters, while ensuring they can undertake development in areas that are safe.
“It allows residents to better understand their own risk and gives them transparent and reliable flood data to confidently make decisions in relation to their property.”
Floods have become synonymous with the Lockyer Valley – following the 2011, 2013, 2017, 2021 and 2022 floods – which have left a lasting impact on the region.
“From Council’s Disaster Dashboard to the Flood Information Portal – advancements in the accessibility of information for our community lead to our ever-improving resilience, preparedness and future planning for all,” Cr Vela said.
“Flood modelling data of this standard is a vital tool when considering all development types and having access to this Portal and the information it contains will help our community to have the freedom to live, play and explore, now and for decades to come.
“We are grateful to the Queensland Government for their funding assistance that has helped bring this project to fruition.”
The Flood Information Portal is a free service available now via Council’s website. Council says feedback on the Portal’s performance and data will be reviewed at intervals to inform ongoing updates and improvements, and residents are encouraged to have their say.
View the portal at this link: