Friday, February 7, 2025

ALGA calls for local emissions fund

The Australian Local Government Association (ALGA), backed by the Cities Power Partnership and the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI), is calling for Federal Government funding of $50 million per year over four years to help councils reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

In a statement, the nation’s peak LG advocacy body said Australia’s 537 local governments were critical to creating a more sustainable and clean energy future and helping the Federal Government deliver on its target of net zero by 2050.

ALGA President, City of Sydney Councillor Linda Scott said councils were committed to reducing emissions but could do more with a dedicated funding stream.

“Local governments across the nation have been leading climate action and reducing their carbon footprints for more than 20 years,” President Scott said.

“As the sphere of government closest to the community, local governments are critical to empowering communities and creating a sustainable, prosperous future for Australia – as well as helping the Government achieve its target of net zero emissions by 2050.”

A recent report Australian Local Government Climate Review 2021, by ICLEI and partners, showed around three quarters of Australian councils have set or are in the process of developing community emissions reduction targets, with a commitment that anything other than a net zero target is unacceptable from a climate risk perspective.

“Investing in local clean energy solutions will create new jobs, deliver cheaper energy and better housing while increasing our resilience to climate change,” President Scott said.

ALGA says an emissions reduction fund, specifically for local government, could assist councils to:

  • Transition their fleets to electric vehicles;
  • Support local economies transitioning from traditional power generation to green energy;
  • Undertake carbon accounting;
  • Increase tree canopy cover and biodiversity;
  • Retrofit council-owned building assets to increase energy efficiency and reduce emission sources;
  • Deliver bulk street lighting upgrades;
  • House community batteries; and
  • Invest in low-emissions transport and associated infrastructure.

Cities Power Partnership Director, Dr Portia Odell said another recent survey by the Partnership found the most common barrier to addressing emissions reduction for councils was a lack of funds.

“We are seeing ample evidence that local governments are capable and willing to be at the forefront of climate action. Over the last year we’ve seen a huge increase in uptake of climate policies in councils, from joining Power Purchase Agreements to transitioning to electric vehicle fleets,” Dr Odell said. 

“However it’s disappointing that the support council teams are given is not in proportion to their emissions reduction potential. Lack of staff resources and funding for sustainability teams needs to urgently be addressed by the Federal Government.”

ICLEI Oceania spokesperson, City of Newcastle Lord Mayor, Nuatali Nelmes said: “Local governments have been leading on climate action in Australia for decades.”

“More than 200 local governments, representing over 19 million Australians and accounting for 75 percent of Australia’s population, are already taking action on climate change.  Councils are the ‘secret weapon’ for achieving Australia’s emissions reduction targets – through their own operations and by providing leadership to their businesses and communities,” she said.

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