Broken Hill City Council has been forced to close the ’roundhouse’ toilet on the corner of Blende and Chloride Streets due to ongoing antisocial behaviour in the area.
In May, Council took the step of closing the toilets during scheduled cleanings, with staff locking themselves inside while working in order to escape abuse and harassment.
However Council’s General Manager, Jay Nankivell, said the situation at the toilet and surrounds had further deteriorated, leaving Council with no choice but to close the facility.
“We had a situation [last Friday] where a group of around dozen people tried to prevent staff from cleaning the toilets as there were drugs and drug paraphernalia being stored and used in the children’s toilet,” he said.
“Staff were subjected to extremely aggressive verbal abuse over a prolonged period, and I’m no longer willing to send cleaning staff into that area.
“We understand a security guard assisted staff and Police were called to the incident but no significant action was taken at the time.
“Our cleaning staff are dedicated and valued members of our team, and they should be able to feel safe when they come to work.”
Mr Nankivell said Council would look at ways to make the area more safe and allow the toilets to be reopened.
“We’ll look to hold discussions with Police to see how we can help solve this issue, and also investigate what further security measures can be put in place in the area.”
“We realise closing the toilet is not a long term solution, but for now we cannot allow it to remain open when staff cannot safely service and maintain it.”
Signage will be posted on the doors of the toilet providing directions to other public toilets available in the city.