Redland City Council has detailed a range of critical elements that it believes the Queensland Government must consider when preparing the Redland Housing Supply and Diversity Strategy.
Mayor, Karen Williams said Council’s report, adopted at this week’s General Meeting, was “based on what the local community had been telling Council for many years”.
“The Planning Minister advised Council in September that the State Government would urgently prepare a housing strategy for Redland City,” Mayor Williams said.
“At last month’s General Meeting we committed to work alongside the State Government as it prepares the strategy and to provide a clear outline of what we believe are the critical elements that need to be considered.
“The report adopted today, which will be sent to the Planning Minister, highlights key issues raised through ongoing conversations Council has had with our community, including extensive feedback received when we drafted the Redland City Plan.”
Council has identified the critical elements it believes the Queensland Government must consider when preparing the Redland housing strategy.
Cr Williams said the report included information on issues such as minimum lot sizes, new expansion areas and the provision of key State infrastructure that is aligned with population growth.
“The new housing strategy should focus on delivering enhanced liveability for residents, including social and affordable housing, and delivering housing that aligns with the future needs of residents.”
She said it was also important that future housing was co-located with employment opportunities and with improved access to services and lifestyle opportunities.
“The State Government should also consider the unique housing challenges and requirements on North Stradbroke Island (Minjerribah) and the Southern Moreton Bay Islands.”
“The Council report also highlights the importance of community engagement activities, which will not only allow the community to have their say but ensure they are taken on the journey and understand the city’s long-term housing needs.”
Mayor Williams said it was important that planning decisions were based on evidence and current information.
“It is essential that the most recent data is used, including the Queensland Government Statisticians Office revised population forecasts and dwelling projections, the revised SEQ Regional Plan and associated SEQ Infrastructure Plan, and the latest Census information,” she said.
“Preparing the housing strategy without reference to the latest key information would undermine its effectiveness and any of its actions.”
She said fact sheets outlining Council’s policy positions on key matters relating to the housing strategy will be prepared and available on Council’s website by the end of February 2023.