Saturday, February 15, 2025

$1.4m upgrade to Byron crescent


Gilmore Crescent in Byron Bay will get a $1.4 million upgrade after Byron Shire Council awarded a tender for the works this week.

The works have been made possible thanks to the Australian Government’s Local Road and Community Infrastructure Program – and they’re set to get underway next Monday, weather permitting.

The Gilmore Crescent project was jointly funded by the Australian Government and Council.

In addition to a road upgrade, the project will deliver 250m of shared path for cyclists and pedestrians that connects through to Tennyson St and 100m of shared path through to Lawson Street, where a pedestrian refuge crossing is also being constructed.

Eighteen additional car parking spaces will be provided and the existing parking will be line marked and formalised as part of the project.

“We are thrilled to have the chance to finally upgrade Gilmore Crescent which has been in need of improvements and will be of great benefit to local residents, as well as the community of Sandhills Early Childhood Centre and the Youth Activity Centre,” Mayor, Michael Lyon said.

“These works will also provide safe and vital connections from the foreshore area through to Council’s fantastic new Skatepark for everyone who is walking, rolling or riding – so we are very happy to be delivering this upgrade for the whole community.”

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